The future finds a home through our collaboration with the CESVI Foundation

Case del Sorriso: more than just a place

The Case del Sorriso (Houses of Smiles) are spaces for expression and social interaction, designed to listen to and observe the needs and strengths of children, adolescents and young women facing marginalisation and hardship. Their goal is to prevent and combat educational poverty and social isolation by providing physical spaces for gathering and safe daytime shelters. These facilities offer services, assistance and protection programs, empowering the beneficiaries to take charge of their future.

With Plenitude’s support, the Case del Sorriso in Naples, Bari, Syracuse and Milan have provided educational, recreational and psychological support activities to around 1,153 people, including 728 minors. These activities include:

  • Programs for developing IT, language, artistic and sports skills.
  • Educational and school support.
  • Career guidance and professional training opportunities.
  • Cultural programs (visits to historical sites, museums and theme parks) and environmental ones (nature walks/excursions).
  • Parenting support interventions.
  • Psychomotor skills workshops.
  • Safe listening spaces and support groups for families.
  • Psychological support programs.

Our project with CESVI in detail

  • Casa del Sorriso in Naples

    Beneficiaries: 327 people, including 125 minors.
    In the San Pietro a Patierno district on the outskirts of Naples, over 37% of families live in conditions of economic and educational poverty. The project has launched sports activities, recreational and cultural programs, psychological support sessions, listening services, self-esteem strengthening initiatives and parenting support programs.

  • Casa del Sorriso in Bari

    Beneficiaries: 691 people, including 511 minors.
    In the San Paolo/Stanic district, Bari’s largest peripheral area, minors face relational difficulties and poor academic engagement, often leading to early school dropout. The Casa del Sorriso offers sports activities, psychomotor workshops, artistic activities, safe listening spaces and support groups for families.

  • Casa del Sorriso in Syracuse

    Beneficiaries: 116 people, including 73 minors.
    is a peripheral neighbourhood marked by economic and socio-cultural fragility, juvenile crime and high school dropout rates, with a lack of educational and social spaces. The Casa del Sorriso promotes moments of interaction and social engagement that empower minors and families, encouraging social integration.

  • Casa del Sorriso in Milan

    Beneficiaries: 19 minors.
    The two mixed residential communities, located in the Bonola and Villapizzone districts in Milan, house minors referred by local Social Services. The Casa del Sorriso provides highly personalised programs for children and adolescents, supported by a specialised clinical centre focusing on trauma and family care.

La Casa Ritrovata: together today to rebuild tomorrow

In Faenza, in the province of Ravenna, many buildings were damaged during the floods of May 2023. Among them was “La Casa Ritrovata” (The Rediscovered House), a community supported by CESVI, which hosts minors removed from their families and unaccompanied foreign children aged 8 to 18. It is a vital gathering place for young people facing social vulnerability.

With Plenitude’s support, the facility has been restored, making it fully operational for accommodating its residents. It now offers psychological support and assistance in overcoming post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Additionally, the range of activities has been expanded to include trips, volunteer opportunities and summer camps, ensuring the minors can spend more time outside the community setting.
