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The more I know,
the less I consume

Through the project Più conosco meno consumo, Plenitude, Benefit Corporation (Società Benefit) controlled by Eni, aims to spread and promote the culture of sustainable energy usage by raising awareness on the issues of sustainable innovation and digital innovation to primary school pupils. In the 2022/2023 school year, the project involves pupils and teachers of 17 primary schools in 6 Italian regions who receive specific training, through ad hoc training courses, on Media Education topics. Through a multimedia language that combines reality with digital, knowledge of computer language, the design of algorithms and the programming of Arduino boards, young students created a game, called EcoGioco, which involves an obstacle course dealing with the issue of energy sustainability. At the end of the course, the classes involved will produce short videos describing what has been achieved during the entire training period, with the aim of developing a Manifesto on Sustainable Energy Education. The project intends to achieve some objectives during the school year, such as:

  • qualify teachers and students on the topics of digitization and environmental sustainability, through educational robotics activities;
  • favor the promotion of initiatives and interventions of an experimental nature thanks to the cross-media platform of the project which conveys various contents on the themes of energy sustainability;
  • increase the knowledge of teachers and students on energy issues such as, for example, the importance of energy efficiency and the conscious use of resources.