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Wind power

Colle Santa Maria Wind Power

Details of the Wind Power Plant

The wind power plant for electricity production named "Santa Maria Wind Farm" is located in the municipality of Catanzaro (CZ).

The plant consists of No. 1 Enercon wind turbine mod. E48 800 kW with hub height equal to 50 m and rotor diameter of 48 m, for a total nominal capacity of the wind farm equal to 800 kW, installed on a hill ridge at an altitude of about 160 meters above sea level.

The plant appears to be connected to Enel Distribuzione's 20 kV MV line named Dulcino coming out of the CZ Siano Primary Cabin; the delivery point is located ca. 800 m from the site.

Plant Power

2,55 MW


N°1 Enercon wind turbine mod. E48 800 kW hub height of 50 m and rotor diameter of 48 m, total rated capacity of 800 kW.

Operating since

13 november 2007

Owner company


EPC Contractor

Acquired from third parties


Eni Plenitude Technical Services